Our Philosophy : Lose Weight and Points – Right Away

If you are a person wishing to lose weight and the extra kilos as fast as possible with no pain, but you cannot wait, there is a way to do it. 

Let’s read the lines below.

Browsing via internet, you meet many pages with diets and nutritional programs promising fat and point loss from the waist and buttocks area.

However, since there are so many diets (effective and simple as stated), why so many people still face problems with extra kilos?

A number of extreme and unhealthy eating habits, promoting an unsustainable and nutritionally incorrect method of nutrition for achieving fast weight loss are the very first reason for having a large number of diets characterized as unsuccessful. 

As it’s already known this has an impact on every organism.

Even if the person succeeds to perform such an extreme program, managing to carry it out and losing the unwanted weight – usually after returning to its eating habits (due to great pressure suffered all this time following the eating habits restrictions) regains all the lost weight (maybe even more).

Following a “starvation” diet is not a solution.

Experts recommend ways (and little tricks) to implement a proper & balanced diet plan in daily life, eventually leading to a permanent weight loss (with no fluctuations in body weight, known as the yo-yo effect).

Carbohydrate Diet is a typical example of a very common diet usually resulting to yo-yo effect,  completely rejecting the consumption of carbohydrates, or (in some cases) allows their limited consumption only (selectively).

A similar diet, or an extremely low calorie diet constantly leaving a person hungry and unsatisfied, will certainly not have the desired end, nevertheless, even if someone manages to lose weight will hardly be able to stabilize this weight after the end of diet.

So what is the profit of such a torturous diet?

Below we find out WHAT it takes – according to the experts – to achieve a correct and, above all, permanent loss of the extra kilos

The 3 Points of Successful Weight Loss

To succeed in losing weight, experts recommend attention to 3 key points.

No.1: Gradual Suppression of Appetite

It is important to control appetite slowly and reduce your caloric intake.

Attention, this should happen slowly.

The sudden reduction of daily calories will “shock” the organism, leading to fat storage in organism for providing energy.

As already pointed out, starvation diet programs usually do not have the desired results, as they push the organism to extremes, by stressing it.

It is important to achieve a diet meeting the daily needs for nutrients, proteins, vitamins and good fats ultimately help you control the appetite and discipline the stomach.

Fiber is another important nutrient to help improve the organism’s digestive process and significantly reduce the appetite.

No.2: Stimulation of Metabolic Function

A second point is the organism’s metabolic rate. Do you have an active or a “sleeping” metabolism?

This largely depends on the lifestyle followed. the systematic inclusion of physical exercise in the weekly program helps to stimulate the metabolism.

You do not need to spend endless hours in the gym or tough workouts. Even a few minutes (at least 20-30) of daily walking (not even running) Is enough to “wake up” your metabolism and start burning fat.

The more intense and demanding the training, the greater the benefits from it (fast weight loss and high muscle bulking).

Another way to increase the metabolic function is proper nutrition. 

The consumption of specific foods may increase the fat burning in organism. YES! Achieve fat burning by eating.

Which are these foods?

How I achieve fat loss by eating?

The basic metabolic rate is different for everyone, expressed by a number indicating the speed the organism metabolizes food. In other words expresses how fast YOU WILL GAIN WEIGHT and how fast YOU WILL LOSE WEIGHT.

Especially after 25 to 30 years, the metabolic rate experiences a gradual slowdown, a completely natural fact, as the individual stops growing.

You will surely have noticed that while in your 20s you lost weight very easily regardless how much food consumed it was difficult to gain weight, after 30 something similar does not apply anymore. 

Following a regular meal plan for the day will help the organism stay active and burn more.

Besides, important is the organism’s hydration for its good metabolic function.

Below, the foods boosting and slowing down the metabolic rate.

Foods in help:

• dairy products (low fat)

• green tea

• hot pepper

• sea buckthorn

• louiza decoction

• avocado

• fatty fish

• nuts (in moderation in their consumption)

• apple cider vinegar

• legumes (mainly lentils and beans)

• eggs

• red wine (moderate consumption)

• cocoa drink (with no sugar added)

• dark chocolate (moderate consumption)

• sesame seeds

• sesame pulp (moderate consumption)

• seeds

• sesame oil

• olive oil

• olives

• potatoes / sweet potatoes (moderate consumption)

• whole grain products (moderate consumption)

• fruits & vegetables (adopted as the core of the diet)

• greens

• herbs

• pepper

• coffee (plain, with no sugar or other sweeteners added)

• kefir

• all berries

• apples

• brown rice

• wild rice

• bananas

• coconut oil

• grapefruit

• cinnamon

• seaweed

• red lean meat (beef mainly)

• poultry

• we are intensifying

• tempe

• tofu

• mushrooms

• broccoli

• oats

• spinach

• corn (moderate consumption)

Foods charging the organism:

• alcoholic beverage

• soft drinks (and as strange as it sounds, especially diet soft drinks)

• light products

• gluten (mainly white carbohydrates)

• sugar & confectionery

• foods with pesticides & other chemicals

• processed foods

• frozen diet meals

• fast food


A last – but equally important – way to boost your metabolic rate is to set a good sleep schedule. Body rest helps in proper functioning of metabolism, therefore ensuring a healthy and stable body weight (with no fluctuations).

No.3: Good Psychology

Psychology is everything in weight loss. It’s shown that people with a good psychology and entering into a diet control with a loved one achieve greater weight loss and remain more faithful to program.

During a diet or in general an attempt to control body weight (whichever way selected for doing it), several psychology transitions are possible, where some days the person feels optimistic and full of energy, while other days feels frustrated, tired and ready to give up.

This is normal.

It is important – even if certain small difficulties are met – do not quit and let small adverse details to take you down and throw you psychologically.

Continue your effort tomorrow believing that tomorrow you do better and you do it. 

It’s important to keep trying every day, whether you succeed or not, finding out that gradually the “failure” days will be fewer and more under control. 

Even the difficulties will not be so brutal, but more countable (perfectly permissible).

Stabilization in a Healthy Eating Program

Following a weight loss program another very important stage comes next (many tend to miss). This is the stage of stabilization, taking the person from a reduced calorie diet to a healthy and balanced diet program, so receiving all nutrients but can also maintaining the body weight stable (not allowing regain of the lost kilos).

Therefore, when a reference is made on a nutritional stabilization program, this means a nutritional to be followed for the rest of the person’s life.

In case many fail to keep their weight down, it is because after the end of the diet return to their bad and unhealthy eating habits, resulting in rapid recovery of weight lost with so much effort.

To conclude, to achieve a weight loss it is important to follow a proper process obeying the needs of organism, and the way it works. 

In this way, you will achieve the best results, able to maintain your weight stable within normal limits with no problem.

Uplift Studios